Rise is out!

I’m very excited to announce that Rise: Battle Lines is set to release on October 19 on Steam! Rise: Battle Lines has come a long way since the last time I posted about it here with improved gameplay, environment, UI and more great music and SFX. Please check out the Steam game page and the game trailer! Our game may be in early access but it’s ready to go and play and is in a proper late beta state. During early access, we are aiming to add extra features to what we already have and polish/improve things to give an…

Rise UI

The Secret Games Company welcomed me into their team to help them create the UI for Rise: Battle Lines, a Unity 3D game that utilizes NGUI. I needed to create designs that worked with some of NGUI’s features, such as scalable panels using NGUI’s sliced sprite feature. They already had a basic UI in the works and needed me to complete it visually. After our programmer finished implementing the UI screens and functions, they tasked me to work on the UI in Unity, doing things like adding new features, fixing bugs or tweaking the design. It has been a great…

Rocket Defense

I added a page for a game called Rocket Defense in the portfolio section. The page highlights many UI concepts, 2D vector art with animations and descriptions of my goals and process for the concepts. The game was slated for release on the iPad in a collaboration with Dark Acre. As a first time developing for iPad, it was an interesting experience working with such different controls and designing a UI that fits it best. Please check out the page and have a look!